
Showing posts from July, 2017
7-19-17 Allergies and cough throat clearing: Conegsted this am. Slept for a while without mask on. I forgot to put it back on after I got up to go to the restroom. Took a long hot shower to see I that would help to loosen it up. It's not. It seems to be getting worse. Uugghhh. Tonight 9pm right sinuses hurt swollen and feels like something is in there Throat hurts. Defusing oils to help: Today I am defusing Lavender Peppermint Grapefruit ( the dogs circles my feet when I opened the peppermint and wouldn't leave me alone until I put a dropnor 2 on their collars.)

Congested day- monsoon winds kicking up-

7-18-17. Allergies & Congestion: I woke up today feeling a little congested, and as the day is progressing it's getting worse. The weather report is set for monsoon winds and storm. I am out today for hubby's doctor appointment and wearing my pm2.5 mask. I don't have the extra filter in it because it's just to hot for that. Cpap: I picked up a different mask yesterday, and like it better than the nose pillows. The setting on my cpap machine is at a minimum 5 to max of 18. Well to me it feels like the 5 to start is blowing my brains out and filling my eustaition tubes causing my ears to be in pain and full of air. This new mask just lips over my mouth and up under my nose. That way if I mouth breathe because of the crusties I get in my right sinus cavity from my sinus surgery in 2003 I can still breathe out of my mouth and "be compliant." Essential Oils: Haven't defused any oils today yet, but will when we get home. I have a old empty bott

Ticks and flea treatment

This year has been the worst! One of our dogs seems to be a magnet for ticks. We have tried several natural and over the counter treatments.  He still gets them. I check him just about every night before bed.  So I turned his collar into a essential oils flea and tick collar. 3 drops each and directly on his collar Lemon grass Eucalyptus Peppermint Citronella He smells awesome!  Makes up for the Corgi pushy personality. He is such a loveable oaf.  I was sad and sorry for him tonight.  One of those rotten bugs got in his ear.  I got it out, but our buddy's ear bled a lot and it hurt.  I didn't have a dilution of   to put on it so I just held pressure like he was a human until it clotted.  Thank goodness that was quick. I have also done a Diotomatious Eath and baking soda treatment with essential oils for our carpet. Today 7/15 I am happy to report that we are successfull fighting the resistant tics that have given us so much trouble with our Corgi Carmel.  I foun

Breathing and my oils!

I have very severe allergies. So bad that I am currently receiving treatment with the biologicaly made medication Xolair. The oils I defuse daily right now are 2drops each Lavender Tea tree oil Peppermint Fankincense They don't make my issue go away and do wish they did, but they do help with some of my symptoms.  It makes life more bearable.